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U18 Ragazzi

The U18 Ragazzi are a scheme organised by the Fanladen St. Pauli consists in special services for fans under 18 years of age. From time to time the Fanladen organises trips to St. Pauli’s away matches which are only open to this age group. Those taking part are specially looked after by staff in accordance with the requirements of the Youth Protection Act (Jugendschutzgesetz).

These trips are specially subsidised by us and by individual donations. This keeps the cost low, so you should be able to cover it with your pocket money. Another thing is that the trip is an alcohol- and nicotine-free zone. In arranging the dates we have to make sure they do not conflict with your school commitments. This means that we can’t garantuee Under 18 excursions to all away games.

The same principles apply to bookings for a U18 trip as do those for a ‘regular’ excursion. Bookings and payments to the Fanladen, please! And another thing – we need to have a consent form signed by your parents before you can take part in a trip. You can get the form from the Fanladen as well.

In addition to the U18 excursions, there are also other campaigns for fans under 18 years of age. Regular meetings for example, and there is a possibility of a trip abroad coming up in the near future. You can get information about all these matters from the Fanladen.

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